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How to Improve Your Client Intake Process

Apr 22, 2024
How to Improve Your Client Intake Process

How to Improve Your Client Intake Process


When someone contacts your law firm, they just want solutions to their legal problems. Their goal is to decide if your firm can provide those solutions.


Everything you do when bringing in a new client will either reassure them they made the right choice or make them doubtful. That's why your process for taking in new clients is so important - it helps new clients feel prepared while giving them the confidence they need to move forward.


Why the New Client Process Matters

Most law firms don't have a great sales process. When lawyers focus too much on casework, they can forget that potential clients consider many factors when deciding on a law firm.


Improving your process for taking in new clients can help you convert more leads into cases. It can also lead to more 5-star reviews after cases end. That will help you get even more new clients through referrals and online searches.


Steps for an Effective Process

The process for taking in new clients starts even before someone becomes a client. The ideal process is designed to:

  1. Convert leads into new clients
  2. Onboard them so lawyers can focus on casework


The steps include:

  • The initial conversation with the potential client
  • Following up
  • The consultation
  • Collecting case information
  • Signing paperwork


That's a lot of steps before the potential client actually becomes your client. Making the whole process as simple as possible will result in more cases and revenue.


Tips for Improving Your Process

If you're spending a lot on marketing but not converting many leads, you'll want to improve your process for taking in new clients. Here are some tips:


Hire someone dedicated to intake

Don't overload your current staff who already have other responsibilities. You want someone focused solely on following up with leads and converting them into clients.


Follow up consistently

People are busy and may forget about your firm if you don't follow up. After the initial call or email, continue reaching out through multiple methods like phone, email and text. Don't give up too easily!


Pre-screen leads

Not every lead will be a good fit as a client for your firm's services. Use online intake forms or questionnaires to quickly determine if someone is qualified. This saves time for you and the lead.


Create systems for everything

Document your intake process so it's consistent and trainable if someone goes on vacation or leaves. Established steps make onboarding smoother for clients too.


Use automation

Software can automate tasks like data entry, document creation, conflict checks and reminders. This prevents human errors that can be embarrassing.


Keep improving

Continually look for ways to upgrade your intake experience based on feedback and data tracking like how leads find your firm.


Start with a Great First Impression

Client satisfaction starts with your intake process. A good process sets the tone for the entire experience of working with your law firm.


That first impression will help potential clients feel confident in choosing you over other firms. An effective process puts them at ease and gets them excited to work with you.


Don't wait to improve your process for taking in new clients. Turning leads into clients starts with that very first interaction! Having a simple system for your staff to follow will pay off quickly.

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