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Essential Tech Tools to Run Your Law Firm Smoothly

Apr 21, 2024
Essential Tech Tools to Run Your Law Firm Smoothly

Essential Tech Tools to Run Your Law Firm Smoothly


The right technology can really help law firms work more efficiently, give better service to clients, research cases faster, tackle tasks easier, and keep up with bigger law firms. Legal tech can also allow your staff to work remotely and have flexible schedules.


However, with so many tech solutions out there, it can be hard to know which ones will work best for your law firm.


Picking the Right Legal Tech Before looking at solutions, consider these tips:


Identify the problem first

Don't just jump into getting new tech. First, be clear on the problem you need to solve. The first step is picturing the process you want to improve, then find the tech tools to make that process more efficient.


Make sure it's a good fit

Ask lots of questions to verify the tech you're considering actually fits your firm's needs. Get input from your team to ensure it's intuitive and streamlines operations - even the fanciest tool is useless if no one will use it. The right tech can vary based on your firm's size too.


Check the security

Lawyers have a duty to understand technology risks and benefits and keep client data secure. Ask vendors about data encryption, third-party security verification, and backup servers.


How Tech Boosts Efficiency

According to data, lawyers spend less than 3 hours per day on billable tasks. The rest of the time goes toward admin work, billing, configuring tech, and collecting payments.


The right tech tools can help by:

  • Automating tedious tasks like client intake
  • Integrating systems so data only needs to be entered once
  • Allowing remote access from anywhere
  • Improving collaboration between teams
  • Streamlining online payments (30% faster than manual payments)


There are lots of great legal tech solutions to help your law firm modernize and work smarter! Consider your needs and ask plenty of questions to find the right fit.

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