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life with kelley Feb 04, 2021

Yes, Margarita...but not THAT kind of Margarita.

When I took Spanish in high school (a 100 years ago 😉), we had to pick our "Spanish" name to be used in class. The name of your choice stuck with you until you graduated.

My oldest is in 7th grade and starting Spanish class this week. While waiting at the bus stop, I asked if she got her Spanish name yet or if her school even did that. She said hesitantly, she's picking it today.

I asked what the problem was and she explained that she didn't understand why Spanish class warranted a new name. It's not like in Chemistry she's named after an element (Oxygen would be her choice) or Home Economics she's not named after her favorite food (mashed potatoes).

Of course, I have no answer to this phenomenon. And, under pressure, I was unable to think of a clever "mom" answer. Luckily, I was saved by the bus!

What's your best conversations with your kids?

#lifewithkelley #busstop #savedbythebus #kids #kidssaythedarndestthings #margarita

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