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Every breath you take

life with kelley Feb 07, 2021

My oldest kid got her first phone this week. Well, not really her first phone since I give my kids my old phones so they can play games as the wifi still works once the service is shut off. But, her first fully functioning cell phone.

Big deal.

I decided to sign up for the Bark app in order to monitor messages. Since the fee for Bark included all of my kids, I added my old (out of service) phone that my youngest kid uses.

As I was braiding my youngest's hair this morning, I told her about Bark so I can keep her safe. I started signing the old Police song, "Every Breath You Take". 😜

Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every step you take
I'll be watching you

"Every Breath You Take" - Police

She freaked out!!! "MOM! That's the creepiest thing I've EVER heard you say!!"

I chuckled. I love being a mom!! But, she is right! How creepy!

And this was the number 1 Billboard song of 1983. The best selling single of 1983, and the fifth best selling single of the 1980s!


What's the one thing that you find weird about your childhood that was perfectly normal at the time?

#lifewithkelley #everylittlebreath #police #creepy

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