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Episode #22 20 Ways To Repurpose One Blog Post

podcast Aug 16, 2023
Episode #22 20 Ways To Repurpose One Blog Post

Episode #22 20 Ways To Repurpose One Blog Post


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Hello and thank you for joining us today on the Profit Scale Thrive Podcast, where we guide attorneys to overflowing profits, scaled growth, and thriving lives. I am your host, Kelley Brubaker.


We have a secret though this is a special place because we don't work with every law firm owner, we support the solo attorneys who are single parents because we know the special challenges you face, and we know the business advice out there is not always practical for you and your firm.


Each week we will talk about things that will give you the insight you need to stop feeling overwhelmed, to gain back your confidence, and to finally enjoy your law firm and your life again.


Podcast Episode #22: 20 Ways To Repurpose One Blog Post


Hello and thanks for joining me today for podcast episode number 22. 


Welcome to episode 22!  Today’s topic is something that I’m never asked about, but something that I frequently suggest to clients, and it’s usually met with a pushback reaction: Writing blog posts.


I know that for many people, writing a blog seems unbearable. You need to pick a topic, possibly do some research, write it, review/revise it, and then publish it. And, for someone who lives by the billable hour, it’s hard to carve out time to write a solid blog post when you could be doing billable work. But, please hear me out on this.


Benefits Of Blog Posts

Let’s start by listing the reasons you should write a blog post:

  1. Establish Your Authority: Regularly publishing informative, well-researched articles helps a business position itself as an industry leader or expert. Over time, readers will turn to your blog as a trusted resource.

  2. Increase Website Traffic: Blog posts can help drive organic traffic to a business's website. By optimizing content for search engines (SEO), businesses can rank higher on search engine results pages, leading to increased visibility and more visitors.

  3. Support Marketing and Sales Efforts: Blog content can be used to promote products, services, or events. It can also be repurposed for email marketing campaigns, social media posts, and other marketing channels.

  4. Improve Conversion Rates: By providing valuable content, businesses can guide potential customers through the sales funnel. Well-crafted call-to-actions in blog posts can lead to higher conversion rates. People buy from those they know, like and trust. Your blog lets people get to know you, like you and trust you. It may take them time to need a lawyer, a conversation with a prospect who already knows, likes and trusts you is different than a cold lead.

  5. Showcase Company Culture: Blogs can give readers a glimpse into the company's values, culture, and behind-the-scenes activities, helping humanize the brand.

  6. Stay Relevant: Regular blogging keeps businesses updated with industry trends, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in their field.

  7. Long-term Results: Unlike paid advertising, which stops when you stop paying, blog posts can continue to attract traffic and generate leads for years after they're published.

  8. Cost-effective Marketing: Blogging is relatively inexpensive compared to other marketing strategies. Over time, it can offer a high return on investment, especially when considering the long-term benefits of organic traffic.


How To Get Mileage From One Blog Post

But here’s something even better - one blog post can be repurposed into a variety of content that can be shared for the next year or more depending on the nature of the topic.  Here are 20 ways you can repurpose a single blog post:


  1. Infographics: Summarize the key points of your blog post into a visually appealing infographic. Infographics are easily shareable and can be posted on social media, embedded in other blog posts, or used in presentations.


  1. Videos: Turn the content of your blog post into a video script and create a video. You can upload this video to platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and even use snippets for Instagram or TikTok.


  1. Podcasts: Read or discuss your blog post in a podcast episode. Invite experts to discuss the topic further.


  1. Slide Presentations: Convert the main points of your blog into a slide presentation and share it on platforms like SlideShare.


  1. Social Media Posts: Break down the blog post into bite-sized tips or quotes and share them as individual posts on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.


  1. E-books: If your blog post is comprehensive, consider turning it into an e-book or combining it with other related posts to create a longer guide.


  1. Email Newsletters: Share the blog post in your email newsletter to your subscribers. You can also break it down into a series if it's lengthy.


  1. Guest Posts: Repurpose the content and pitch a modified version as a guest post to other blogs or media outlets in your niche.


  1. Webinars: Use the content of the blog post as a foundation for a webinar. Dive deeper into the topic and answer live questions.


  1. Online Courses: If the content is instructional, consider turning it into a mini online course or a module in a larger course.


  1. Quizzes: Create a quiz based on the content. For instance, if your blog post is about "10 Ways to Improve SEO," you can create a quiz titled "How Much Do You Know About SEO?"


  1. Checklists: If your blog post is a how-to or provides steps, turn it into a downloadable checklist.


  1. Templates: Depending on the topic, you can create templates that your audience can use. For example, if it's about writing a business plan, provide a business plan template.


  1. Interviews: Interview experts on the topic of your blog post and share their insights as a follow-up post or podcast episode.


  1. Round-up Posts: If you've written about a popular topic, ask for opinions or tips from other experts in your field and create a round-up post.


  1. Update and Republish: As time goes on, update the blog post with new information and republish it. This keeps the content fresh and relevant.


  1. Translate: If you have a diverse audience, consider translating the blog post into other languages.


  1. Printed Material: Turn the blog post into brochures, pamphlets, or even a mini magazine.


  1. Interactive Tools: Depending on the topic, you can create interactive tools or calculators. For instance, if it's about budgeting, create a budget calculator.


  1. Forums and Q&A Sites: Share your knowledge on platforms like Quora, Reddit, or niche-specific forums. Use content from your blog post to answer relevant questions.


So…I know I get pushback on writing one blog post. Now converting that into 20 additional pieces of content is a resounding nope, no way.  But, writing the blog post is the hardest part. I promise! 


Delegate the repurposing to a non-billable staff person if you have one. If you don’t have someone on staff or do but he/she isn’t creative enough to work on this, outsource this! There are many talented people on Fiverr and Upwork who will do quality work for you at great rates.


How I Use One Blog Post

Let me share my process. I have a VA, Reychelle, who is amazing! Instead of starting with a blog post, I start with a podcast episode. I have a running list of topics that I generate, and revise based on current headlines and questions I’m asked through the normal course of business. And, I add in the “quick questions” I get from family and friends every now and then.


  1. To get started, I will type up the bullet points of what I want to say so I don’t get off track or forget to mention a key point. 
  2. I use Loom to record my podcast. I break up my one podcast into 4 segments. So, I record 4 different videos, one per segment.  After the 4 videos are recorded, I save them to a shared network folder with Reychelle.  Because I know where this content is going to be shared, we have a Google Doc with a list of questions that I answer about the podcast episode - things like what I want the title to be, a summary of the content, etc.
  3. I let Reychelle know I’m done and it’s time for her to work her magic! She then grabs the 4 videos and adds the intro and transition music and stitches them together into one video.  
  4. The video file gets uploaded to my podcast hosting platform, Buzzsprout. Buzzsprout strips off the video and hosts the audio file for all the major podcast apps to see.
  5. The transcript which is created by Loom when the video is recorded, is used to create a blog post on my website.
  6. Now it’s time for YouTube. The video is uploaded to YouTube and published under my “podcast” playlist.
  7. An email is generated to let my audience know that there is new content, and it can be found in their favorite podcast app, watched on YouTube or read about it on my blog - links are included within this email to make it easy to find the new content.
  8. Back on the podcast hosting website, it has a feature where we can create 60-second clips for promoting the podcast. So, a few clips are created. The clips are in a video format because it’s audio from the podcast, but the image is a fixed image. These clips are shared on my main social media channels. The clips include a link to the YouTube video.
  9. Lastly, and this is where I get long term benefit from this one piece of content - a campaign is created to share the content 9 times over 6 months on all my social media channels. I could share this more often and over a longer period, but I feel for the topics I’m talking about, 6 months is a good time frame. And, after 6 months, I can always create a new campaign for another 6 months.


If you are still unsure about this, let me wrap up by emphasizing that consistently posting new content on your website can generate new clients for you for free. It can improve your SEO for free. It can make initial conversations with prospective clients easier because they feel that they already know you. And, the mileage you will get from one blog post will give you a long-term return on investment.


I hope by sharing this I’ve inspired you to consider adding new blog content to your website on a regular basis. The current experts I am following suggest that the optimum posting is 3-4 new blog posts per week. But, I am posting weekly right now. You can start at just one new blog post per month and increase it gradually as you get comfortable with it. What I have found is that as soon as I’ve finished one blog post, I already have a new topic that has risen to the top of my list that I’m excited to start working on.

Listener’s Question of the Week

And now, it’s time for our Listener’s Question of the Week!

This week’s question is from Sara.  I discovered your podcast a few weeks ago when you were talking about debt and Profit First. It was information that I needed to hear at the time and I’m slowly working on it. You went into a lot of detail about Profit First in your podcast that I can just listen to your podcast and read the book, right? Why would I need to hire you for Profit First?


I love this question! I agree that for many business owners, the book is enough to get them started with Profit First and their business may be what I call vanilla to have any questions they may have answered right there from the book. And, then there’s the next group of business owners who really dig into the book and have lots of questions because their business is a little more complex.  They may find their answers in my podcast episodes. And, for those who I can help through my podcast, I appreciate you. It’s a privilege that I provided the help you needed when you needed it.


But there is another group of business owners who either don’t have time to re-read the book or listen to every one of my podcast episodes or they want someone to walk side-by-side them to make sure they do it correctly the first time because they know the value of using Profit First. Those are the people who hire me for private coaching.


When I work with someone to implement Profit First, we work on more than Profit First. We work on setting business goals and tracking the progress to reach those goals. We work on mindset around income and spending. We make sure that the money they allocate to owner’s compensation account is enough to pay them a reasonable wage – a wage that financially supports them personally at home. It is more than what is in the book or my podcast.


I hope this answers your question, Sara! If not, I’m happy to meet with you to answer any follow up questions you may have. I promise I don’t bite and I’m not a hard sales person. You can schedule a meeting with me at


If you would like to submit a question for a future episode, please send an email to [email protected].


Inspirational Quote

This week’s inspirational quote is from anonymous, “An entire field of roses could be given to someone, and they’d only see the thorns in it. A single weed could be given to another, and they would only see the wildflower in it. The way we choose to perceive things is the foundation of gratitude, and gratitude is a main foundation of joy.”


Final Thoughts

Final thoughts for today! 


I hope I have convinced you to start posting blogs to your website. Please know that I do understand the time involved in drafting one blog post, but you will get so much mileage from each and every blog post. I know it. And, if you have listened to my last few podcasts, I am a supporter of AI, but your blog posts need to be your own. At least, your firm’s own blog post. You can and should delegate blog post creation between different employees of your firm, but keep it within your firm to maintain consistency with your firm’s voice and brand image.


When I started my first business (a now-closed CPA firm) in 2005, I struggled with creating a website. I had a wonderful graphic designer, but she didn’t know html. And, honestly, I didn’t know what to say. I quickly grew frustrated and scrapped the website for a few months and discovered a service that specialized in websites for CPA firms. I was all in. Sign me up!


I didn’t appreciate it at the time because I was enamored by how fancy it was with loan calculators and constant updates for changes in the tax code. It even emailed a newsletter every month that I did not have to write!


My first issue was content in the monthly newsletter was sometimes about services I did not offer to clients. Then, about a year after using this website, I picked up a new client and did some research on their prior CPA. The other CPA, who was maybe 5 miles down the road, had the exact same website except it was in a different color! Ouch.  The convenience of having a website premade for me was not worth the cost – especially in this remote workplace world we now work in. What blows me away is that every now and then, 15 years later, I will come across a CPA’s website that is that same old content.


I’m glad that I discovered this early on. Here’s why - Google does not up-rank sites that have the same content. In fact, if it sees the same content on multiple sites, it pushes them to the bottom of the search results. So, no matter what SEO, metadata, keywords strategies I would have tried, they were all set up to fail because the underlying webpages were identical to hundreds if not thousands of websites across the US.


Lesson learned – and I’ve had my own, created from scratch website ever since. But, that means I need to put the work into the website to update and create the content continually. I choose to create one new piece of content every week that updates my website, podcast, and socials.


I hope this helps you!


Before I sign off for today, for listeners of my podcast, you have an opportunity to get a copy of my newly published book for free! 


“Stop Struggling and Start Thriving: A Guide To Transform Your Law Firm”


Download the Free PDF Now 👉 CLICK FOR FREE BOOK


Also, it is available for purchase on Kindle or paperback HERE.


If you have any questions about today’s episode, feel free to comment if you are watching on YouTube or send me an email to [email protected].


If you know someone who might need to hear this information, please share this episode with them or if you are on YouTube, tag them below! 


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And before I go – remember profit is something you intentionally plan for in the beginning. It is not a potential bonus at the end of the year!


Thanks, and have an amazing day!



Today we're diving deep into the transformative power of blogging for your firm. Ever wondered how a simple blog post can skyrocket your brand's visibility, foster a loyal community, and drive sales? Join us as we unravel the compelling reasons every firm, big or small, should be harnessing the magic of blogging. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this episode promises insights that could be a game-changer for your brand. Tune in and discover the untapped potential of blogging.


And, for listeners of my podcast, you have an opportunity to get a copy of my recently published book for free! 


“Stop Struggling and Start Thriving: A Guide To Transform Your Law Firm”


👇 Click the link to download your book today. Let's pave the path to profitability together!


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