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Don’t wait for permission to be successful

establishing a business goal setting impact on the world leadership & management mindset Mar 11, 2024
Don’t wait for permission to be successful

Don’t wait for permission to be successful


Throughout our lives, we’re often conditioned to seek approval before taking action. This ingrained behavior can manifest in various ways, especially when we’re on the brink of making significant decisions, like how to manage your law firm.


Consider this scenario: you come across an idea that seems almost too good to be true—a new way to work with clients in your law firm. Yet, you find yourself pausing, questioning whether you have the right to seize it. “Is this allowed?” you wonder, or “If it’s such a good idea, why hasn’t anyone else done it before?”


These doubts may stem from an underlying need for validation, a subconscious desire for someone else to endorse our choices and give us the green light.


I’ll be candid with you—I’m not in a position to grant anyone permission to embark on their entrepreneurial journey. That’s a decision only you can make. It boils down to how much you want it and whether you’re ready to commit.


I often receive inquiries from law firm owners who’ve engaged with my content—whether they are followers on LinkedIn, listeners of my podcast, or readers of my book. They typically ask something along the lines of, “Kelley, what’s your take on an idea like this?”


While it appears to be a straightforward question, there’s usually an underlying plea: “Hey, Random Girl on the internet, can you approve of my business idea? I’m seeking your endorsement.”


But here’s the truth—you don’t need my approval or anyone else’s. The only permission that truly matters is the one you grant yourself.


This concept might feel alien, especially when we reflect on our childhood experiences. From as early as kindergarten, we were taught to ask for permission for everything. “Teacher, may I use the restroom?” was a common refrain echoing through the classroom walls.


We were constantly seeking someone else’s nod of approval for even the most trivial of actions.


However, there comes a pivotal moment in adulthood when we realize there’s no longer an authority figure to turn to for that nod. It’s both liberating and daunting—the realization that we are now the ones in charge of our destinies.


If you decide to take the plunge and make a change in your practice that nobody else seems to be doing, know that I’ll be here cheering you on every step of the way. And if you choose not to pursue it, that’s perfectly fine as well. The key is understanding that the decision lies with you and only you.

#EntrepreneurMindset #SelfEmpowerment #BusinessStartUp #PermissionToSucceed #TakeTheLeap

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