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Unlocking Financial Success In Your Business

cfo services Dec 24, 2023
Unlocking Financial Success In Your Business

Unlocking Financial Success In Your Business


If you are a business owner and you don't know much about money stuff, business finances, you might wonder where you're supposed to learn all this. Just learning the basics can be pretty confusing.


So, let's say you've got your books in order. That's a good start, but there's more to it. The real challenge is taking all those numbers and turning them into actual money in your bank account and helping your business grow.


Imagine it like this: you have a successful pipeline bringing in lots of work. You are getting paid by clients, but somehow, you're not keeping much of it for yourself. Even if your bookkeeping records are perfect, many business owners struggle because they don't know how to use those numbers to make more money and make their business better.


This is where you might need help. Having a guide who's been through all this money stuff, knows the ropes, and can show you how to use those numbers to get more money for yourself and make your business bigger without messing it up is priceless.


In simple terms, having someone on your team who can connect the dots between your bookkeeping records and the practical steps to make more money for yourself and make your business succeed.


If this resonates with you, click the link below to schedule a curiosity call with me. We’ll spend 30 minutes together to figure out how to fix your struggles in your business.  




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If your billable rate is not "right" for YOUR financial situation, your firm will NEVER be profitable.

We challenge you to do a checkup to make sure that you are not setting yourself up for failure with a billable rate that is way too low.

Need help figuring this out? We've got you covered.

Download our Billing Profitably Calculator now to calculate the minimum hourly rate you need to bill in order to PROPERLY and PROFITABLY pay yourself.

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