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Stepping Away for a Month: Achieving Work-Life Balance as a Business Owner

Apr 14, 2024
Stepping Away for a Month: Achieving Work-Life Balance as a Business Owner

Stepping Away for a Month: Achieving Work-Life Balance as a Business Owner


My question for you: When's the last time you took a vacation? Did you take a four-week vacation?


I know for some people, taking a four-week vacation sounds really hard. I used to think that way too. I believed that stepping away from my business for even a week was too much. Who would run things as well as me?


But here's the truth. One of the main reasons to become an entrepreneur is so you can walk away from your company for a while, knowing it can keep going without you.


Your business is very important, I understand. But how you spend your time is even more important. Do you feel like every single moment is spent on your business? That's not healthy, and it doesn't let you fully enjoy your life. My dream for you is that your life is enriched in all areas - especially personally.


You can detach from your business. In fact, you must. Not just for your own well-being but for your company's well-being too. You need to be physically and mentally healthy. Taking time off allows you to re-energize, and return to work inspired by your experiences.


I learned this the hard way over many years of owning businesses. I realized I must spend as much time on my hobbies, family, and health as I do on my company. To do that, I needed my business to be able to run itself. It took discovering and implementing the Clockwork book written by Mike Michalowicz, and I've been taking long vacations ever since.


It starts with having good systems, and great employees to follow them. How to get started? Every employee must create videos and/or documents explaining their systems and tasks and share them with the whole company.


Things will happen that take you or employees away from the business for a while. Be prepared, and create a company that prioritizes mental wellness and physical health above all else. You can do it if your systems are solid.


Here's to the health of your business and your own wellness too!

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