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Ep #18 Using ChatGPT In Your Firm Including 8 Amazing Prompts!

podcast Jul 19, 2023
Episode #18 Transcript: Using ChatGPT In Your Firm Including 8 Amazing Prompts!

Episode #18 Transcript: Using ChatGPT In Your Firm Including 8 Amazing Prompts!


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Hello and thank you for joining us today on the Profit Scale Thrive Podcast, where we guide attorneys to overflowing profits, scaled growth, and thriving lives. I am your host, Kelley Brubaker.


We have a secret though - this is a special place because we don't work with every law firm owner, we support the solo attorneys who are single parents because we know the special challenges you face, and we know the business advice out there is not always practical for you and your firm.


Each week we will talk about things that will give you the insight you need to stop feeling overwhelmed, to gain back your confidence, and to finally enjoy your law firm and your life again.


Podcast Episode #18: Using ChatGPT In Your Firm Including 8 Amazing Prompts!

Hello and thanks for joining me today for podcast episode number 18. 


AI is a hot topic everywhere. As a business owner, you might wonder what it means for your business. However, until you grasp how to utilize AI and the various ways it can be applied, you won't enjoy the time and cost-saving benefits it provides. AI seems to be on everyone's lips. It's in the news, blogs, social media, and even your favorite podcast. As such, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to discuss the use of AI, and for many, even a little scary. Questions arise like, "Are machines taking our jobs?" or "Are they taking over the world?".


Yet, once you understand and begin using artificial intelligence, it can save you a lot of time and money. You may be surprised to learn that we've been using AI for a while now. When you're sending a text and receive a predictive text suggestion, or when you're writing an email and it corrects a word for you, or using Google Maps to find your way, you're using AI tools. They take in information, learn from it, and produce more useful, focused information to simplify your life. That is the actual power of AI. When you feed in good data, the computers can curate it in a way that can help you specifically.


The reason why AI seems to be suddenly everywhere is primarily due to the release of ChatGPT. ChatGPT has become the fastest-growing user app of all time. It took ChatGPT only two months to reach 100 million active users, compared to TikTok's nine months, and Instagram's two and a half years. The release of ChatGPT brought AI into the public eye in a novel way. Consequently, we began hearing more about it and its regulations across the globe, which might feel a little overwhelming.


You may have heard about the two attorneys who are facing possible punishment for citing fictitious legal research in a court filing in Manhattan federal court. They blamed ChatGPT.  Or the Canadian Court that issued a practice direction on the use of AI in court submissions which requires the disclosure of how AI was used to generate court submissions. I wonder who will be the first to openly admit using AI?


Please know that what I present you with today will have nothing to do with legal research or court documents!  No matter how smart AI gets, I don’t envision a world where lawyer, paralegals and legal secretaries are replaced by computers!


Initially, AI felt very overwhelming to me. But as I began to study and use it, I saw how using AI tools, specifically ChatGPT, could grow my business. It all sounds great, but how do we use it to grow our business?


There are countless AI tools available that can assist with video editing, podcast editing, creating social media posts, time-saving organization, HR software, and many more. But in this episode, we'll specifically talk about how to use ChatGPT in your marketing. I'll provide some tips and tricks, and ways to think about using AI that can ultimately save you time and money.


I am going to share some specific tactics that you can start using today, but our bigger hope is to encourage you and inspire your own creativity. When you start experimenting with ChatGPT and what it can do, it becomes a lot of fun. The computer learns from you, and you learn from the computer, learning how to create better marketing prompts and understanding all the opportunities that are out there.


However, it's vital to understand that there are limitations to what AI can do. It's not a magical tool where you plug in everything and hope for the best. It relies on you in several ways, and understanding these limitations is essential before using it heavily for your marketing. The first thing to know is that it's still learning and is not always accurate. If you expect it to provide information without checking it, particularly for facts and research, you may be disappointed. It can serve as a starting point, but remember that you, not the computer, will be held accountable for the accuracy of the information you share.


Let's dive into a specific example. I wanted to test ChatGPT recently and I fed it a prompt: "Give me five facts about Kelley Brubaker." That's me, by the way. The task was to see how accurate it could be in describing who I am.


ChatGPT’s response?  I'm sorry, but as of my last update in September 2021, I don't have any information on a person named Kelley Brubaker. It's possible that you're referring to a private individual or someone who has gained prominence after my training data was cut off. If this is the case, I recommend searching for the most recent and accurate information online. Please remember to respect people's privacy and abide by all applicable laws and terms of service when seeking information about individuals.


I respect that it confessed to now knowing me, but the point is, the information returned from AI and ChatGPT is not always accurate. Keep this in mind when you utilize it. It's not just plug-and-play. You need to verify the information you get. It can be a good starting point, but never take it at face value. 


It's crucial to grasp two vital points about AI's current limitations. Firstly, AI isn't always accurate; it might present some errors or inaccuracies, so be mindful of that. Secondly, the quality of the prompts you input significantly influences the outcomes. AI tools like GPT are only as effective as the information fed into them. If you input subpar data, the output will reflect that.


In an age when AI usage is increasing, leading to more content and consequently more noise in the marketplace, it's imperative to ensure the quality of your input. Simply adding to the noise won't yield any meaningful results. It's much like giving a loudspeaker to a monkey; it might get attention, but it won't communicate a clear message that compels people to buy your products. You need to input quality information to generate quality outcomes.


To produce outstanding marketing, the messaging you input needs to be crisp and clear. AI isn't a magic wand that fixes everything. Poor messaging will only result in inadequate marketing.


To create effective marketing, you need to understand clearly what your client wants, the problem you're solving for them, how to position yourself as their guide, the plan you have for them, your calls to action, and the success and failure in their story. When these elements of the framework are understood, the messaging you input is clear, and the marketing output is effective.


Apart from accuracy and input quality, the third limitation to note is that human touch still matters. When publishing copy in marketing and on your website, maintain your unique voice and human touch. Studies reveal that 84% of clients say being treated like a person, not a number, is crucial to winning their business.


People are becoming savvy about AI-created content. Some job applicants even use AI to generate their responses during interviews and on their resumes. If people can discern AI-generated responses, so can your clients. While AI may provide a good starting point, it's not usually advisable to send out the resulting copy as your final product. You need to add a human touch.


As more people employ AI, a lot of marketing will start to sound the same, leading to more marketplace noise. Standing out with a human touch can differentiate you. Although it may take longer to humanize AI-generated content, the extra time spent is worth it.


Lastly, it's also essential to consider the uncertain future of legal implications regarding AI-generated content.


How To Utilize ChatGPT For Marketing Purposes Effectively

Here are key points to remember when using ChatGPT for your marketing:

  1. The first step is understanding the limitations of AI. AI might not always provide completely accurate information, so it's important to cross-verify the responses.
  2. The quality of information you provide to the AI greatly influences the results you'll get. If you input bad or unclear data, the output will also be poor. As the saying goes, garbage in, garbage out.
  3. The use of quality prompts is emphasized. It's crucial to provide clear, detailed, and valuable information to the AI to achieve good results.
  4. The importance of human touch. AI-generated content can often lack the human factor and clients are becoming increasingly aware of this.
  5. Potential legal issues related to AI-generated content, such as copyright concerns.
  6. When creating prompts for AI, you should specify the tone, format, purpose, audience, and potential style references you want it to consider.
  7. Finally, while using ChatGPT, the initial input might require a few iterations to refine and improve the results. The more direct and precise the input, the better the output will be.


How To Use ChatGPT For Instagram and LinkedIn

Specifically for social media platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn, here are key points to consider:


  1. ChatGPT and similar AI tools are particularly useful for creating initial drafts or sparking new ideas. The aim is not to produce a final draft, but to use the generated content as a foundation to build upon.
  2. Use ChatGPT to generate ideas for posts, crafting captions, and even planning a content strategy.
  3. Start with clear and detailed prompts to improve the quality of the generated content. For instance, a prompt for Instagram content could be: "Generate unique and innovative content ideas for Instagram posts for my business."
  4. Be sure to specify the tone and audience in your prompts. For example: "Help me generate five creative caption ideas for my Instagram profile that will engage my target audience."
  5. When creating content for LinkedIn, you might ask for "five tips beneficial for professionals in a specific field," or a "60-second video script with a friendly and conversational tone."
  6. The generated content should be reviewed and edited to ensure accuracy, make it unique, and add a human touch before it's published. This process can significantly reduce the time spent creating content while still allowing for personalized and high-quality output.


How To Use ChatGPT For Twitter and Blogs

Use ChatGPT to generate content for Twitter and blogs, as well as leveraging blogs for lead generation. Here are the primary points:


  1. For Twitter, a prompt could involve asking the AI to create a five-tweet thread on a specific topic. The AI-generated content should then be refined and personalized to ensure accuracy and effectiveness.
  2. For blog posts, you should provide specific and detailed prompts to get useful results. Example prompts include: "Give me blog topics about X," or "Provide three viral blog post ideas for X using conversational language."
  3. Blog posts, when created and used properly, serve multiple purposes. They can boost SEO, position you as an industry expert, and drive traffic to your main site.
  4. Blogs are not only useful for the SEO and expert positioning benefits, but they can also be repurposed in various ways. Portions of blog content can be transformed into Instagram or LinkedIn posts, YouTube videos, email content, or even keynote speeches. This makes blogs a versatile and effective tool for content creation.
  5. Blog posts can also be converted into lead-generating PDFs or other resources to help drive business growth.


Regardless of the prompts used, it is critical to not just use AI-generated content as it is, but rather to use it as a foundation upon which to build. The content should be personalized and checked for accuracy before it's shared.


How To Leverage ChatGPT Even More


Acting as a Strategist: You can ask AI to behave like an Instagram strategist to help grow your followers or to give advice from the perspective of industry experts like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. You can also use it to analyze top performers in your industry and extract valuable insights from their strategy.


Acting as an Editor: AI can be used to review and improve content, with a focus on increasing engagement. You can also ask it to simplify complex text, making your content more digestible for your audience. However, just remember to always personalize AI-generated content and make it more human.


Acting as a Research Assistant: AI can be used to create a learning plan for a new skill or to summarize key insights from top-rated business books related to a specific topic. It can also compile a list of recent articles and resources about a particular subject.


Please do not just view AI as a tool for efficiency but you should also have fun exploring its capabilities.


In the show notes I will include a link to my top 8 amazing ChatGPT prompts that you should use in your business today. Check them out and let me know what your results are!


Listener’s Question of the Week

And now, it’s time for our Listener’s Question of the Week!

Today’s question is from Don. Can I use Profit First to identify a good business to buy?


Thanks for your question, Don. The answer is – Absolutely, yes!!! I haven’t thought of it before, but yes - do an Instant Assessment on their last 1-2 years. Numbers don’t lie. The Instant Assessment will show what needs to be “corrected” in that firm for it to align with your firm.  Less correction = Better buy.


If you would like to submit a question for a future episode, please send an email to [email protected].


Inspirational Quote

This week’s inspirational quote is from Ted Turner, “You should set goals beyond your reach so you always have something to live for.”


Final Thoughts

Final thoughts for today! 


I am sure that you can hear my excitement about AI and ChatGPT. But, please don’t use the output word for word. As someone who struggles with staring at a blank page, ChatGPT is amazing to give me ideas to propel me forward and I hope it can help you too!


In fact, I used AI to help draft an outline for a book, my first book. I have so much to say and as I worked on my first draft, I found myself getting sidetracked on tangents and I couldn’t decide on what to include and exclude from my book.


So, I used AI to focus my attention by drafting an outline. I was then able to take what I had already written and pare out what did not make sense to include. It also helped me re-order the sections to a better reading sequence.


Once I got re-organized with my book, I was able to focus on writing the last few chapters and finally get it published.  Now, admittedly, it took me 13 months to write my book.  I had read it so many times that I just couldn’t read it once more for a final review. So, I set it down for many months and almost forgot about it. Plus, I knew I needed to add a few graphics to help illustrate several points within the book.


But, I was interviewed on the “Grow My Accounting Practice” podcast in early June. Somehow I mentioned my goal of publishing a book and that it was over 90% done at that point. I was challenged to have the book published by the time the podcast episode is published in July. That was all the incentive I needed. Challenge accepted.


Once it was published, I used ChatGPT to help draft some social media posts to promote it.


For listeners of my podcast, you have an opportunity to get a copy of my newly published book for free! 


“Stop Struggling and Start Thriving A Guide To Transform Your Law Firm”


Download the Free PDF Now 👉 CLICK FOR FREE BOOK


Also, it is available for purchase on Kindle or paperback HERE.


If you have any questions about today’s episode, feel free to comment if you are watching on YouTube or send me an email to [email protected].


If you know someone who might need to hear this information, please share this episode with them or if you are on YouTube, tag them below! 


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And before I go – remember - profit is something you intentionally plan for in the beginning. It is not a potential bonus at the end of the year!


Thanks, and have an amazing day!



Let’s explore how you can use ChatGPT in your firm. Specifically for marketing. You can get your copy of my top 8 amazing prompts here to define your perfect client AND where to find them!


And, for listeners of my podcast, you have an opportunity to get a copy of my newly published book for free! 


“Stop Struggling and Start Thriving A Guide To Transform Your Law Firm”


👇 Click the link to download your guide today. Let's pave the path to profitability together!


#StopStruggling #StartThriving #LawFirmProfitability #eBook


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Or it is available for purchase on Kindle or paperback HERE.

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