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Business Cash Management 101

profit first Jul 24, 2023
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Have you ever heard the term "cash management" and wondered what it means? Well, in the world of business, cash management is a super important concept. Think of it like the fuel that keeps a car running. Without it, the car (or in this case, the business) can't go anywhere.

In this blog post, we're going to talk about what cash management is, why it's so important for businesses, what can go wrong if a business doesn't manage its cash well, and how you can easily learn cash management for your business.

What is Cash Management?

Cash management is all about how a business handles its money. It's like a juggling act where a business has to keep enough money on hand to pay for things it needs right away, like salaries for employees or bills from suppliers. At the same time, any extra money shouldn't just sit around doing nothing. It should be put to work, maybe by investing in new equipment or technology that can help the business grow.


Why is Cash Management Important?

Cash management is super important for a few reasons. First, it makes sure a business can pay its bills on time. This is important because it helps the business build good relationships with its employees, suppliers, and lenders. Second, good cash management means a business can take advantage of opportunities to grow, like buying new equipment or expanding into new markets. Finally, having a good cash cushion can help a business survive if something unexpected happens, like a sudden drop in sales or an unexpected expense.


What Happens if Cash Management Isn't Done Well?

Just like forgetting to put gas in a car can leave you stranded, bad cash management can cause big problems for a business. If a business runs out of cash, it might not be able to pay its bills. This can lead to a lot of stress and could even damage the business's reputation. Also, without enough cash, a business might have to pass up opportunities to grow. In the worst case, a business could even go bankrupt if it runs out of cash.


How Can the "Profit First" System Help?

So, how can a business make sure it's managing its cash well? One way is to use the system from the book "Profit First" by Mike Michalowicz. This system turns the traditional way of thinking about business profits upside down. Instead of thinking Sales - Expenses = Profit, it says to think Sales - Profit = Expenses.

What does this mean? Well, it means that a business should take out a certain amount of money for profit first, every time it makes a sale. Then, whatever money is left over is what the business has to cover its expenses. This way, the business is always making a profit, and it encourages the business to be smart and creative about keeping expenses low.



In conclusion, cash management is a really important part of running a successful business. It's not just about having enough money to pay the bills, but also making sure every dollar is working hard for the business. By using the "Profit First" system, businesses can make sure they're always profitable, manage their cash well, and set themselves up for success.

Remember, cash management isn't just a strategy; it's a way of thinking that can help businesses take control of their money and steer their business toward success. So, why not take the first step toward mastering cash management today? Your business will thank you for it!


Look Over My Shoulder: Profit First In Action

Curious about Profit First? Watch this video where I show how Profit First works for me in my business.



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